The University of Minnesota Men’s Crew is one of the top 10 club teams in the country. We compete at the highest level against similar club teams from Michigan, UCLA, Notre Dame, Virginia and many others. Rowing experience is not necessary to join the crew. The majority of our team is made up of walk-ons from the student body who never rowed before. Many walk-ons become our top rowers; some have gone on to be US National Team athletes and Olympians.

Our Men’s Novice Four just won the National Championship (see picture below, and story HERE). We want YOU to join our team and win another. If you are interested, fill out the Recruiting Form below and we’ll reach out to you.

To learn more about rowing at UMN, check out our FAQ page with links to Become a Rower and Become a Coxswain pages by clicking on the links.

Men’s Novice Four seconds after winning the National Championship over Michigan, Ohio State, Florida State and 26 other crews. Two of the oarsmen never rowed before arriving at Minnesota.

Recruiting Form

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